Une customer data platform à la hauteur de vos attentes

Treasure Data est un pionnier de la technologie CDP depuis bien avant que le terme « CDP » n’existe. Notre mission ? Créer un socle de données intelligent pour améliorer la vie humaine. Et grâce à notre solide ancrage, à notre vaste expertise et à notre position de leader mondial en matière de CDP, nous sommes sur la bonne voie.
Treasure Data CEO and co-founder Kaz Ohta shares our story in six minutes
Video: Treasure Data CEO and co-founder Kaz Ohta shares our story in six minutes

Treasure Data CEO and co-founder Kaz Ohta shares our story in six minutes

Des débuts modestes au leadership mondial - et bien au-delà

We’ve come a long way since our founders set up shop in a single-room office with a secondhand Wi-Fi router in 2011. But even now, as a CDP category leader serving the world’s biggest brands, we know so many more possibilities lay ahead.

Watch CEO and co-founder Kaz Ohta tell the Treasure Data story. From past, to present, to the AI-driven, real-time future we’re advancing, our journey of continuous enterprise CDP reinvention is just getting started.