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Log Everything as JSON. Make Your Life Easier

The Story of an Engineer. Here is an anecdote. I am sure some of you have had a similar experience.

Enabling Facebook’s Log Infrastructure with Fluentd

Facebook uses Scribe as its core log aggregation service. The description of Github reads, “Scribe is a server for aggregating log data streamed in real time from a large number of servers.”..

Real-Time Log Collection with Fluentd and MongoDB

For those of you who do not know what MongoDB is, it is an open-source, document-oriented database developed at 10gen, Inc. It is schema-free and uses a JSON-like format to manage semi-structured data...

Fluentd: The Missing Log Collector Software

The fundamental problem with logs is that they are usually stored in files although they are best represented as streams (by Adam Wiggins, CTO at Heroku). Traditionally, they have been dumped into text-based files and collected by rsync in...

MessagePack: The Missing Serializer

MessagePack, the efficient, blazing, fast serializer is the core of our technology. The best way to describe MessagePack is “JSON on steroids”. It supports an almost identical set of data types as JSON —Nil, Boolean, Integer, Float, String, Array, and Associative Array— but runs much faster and requires a fraction of space.

Transform customer data into your most valuable business asset