Marketing optimization software built for marketers and data scientists

Immediate insights on segments and campaign performance. Reporting that reflects the latest results. Direct access to data using your preferred tools. Optimization is a dream for marketers and data scientists with Treasure Data.
Marketing Optimization & Experimentation

[Treasure Data] provides the offline/online reconciliation needed to better understand the customer journey and optimize the contact plan with customers. This improves media efficiency and sales conversion.”

Key features

Boost campaign confidence with A/B testing

Compare campaign strategy performance between customer groups. Optimize future campaign spending using those insights. Do both with A/B testing in our customer journey orchestration tool, built into our CDP.
Boost campaign confidence with A/B testing

Jumpstart customer journey optimization with advanced testing methods

Improve journey orchestration through multivariate and multi-armed bandit (MAB) testing. Create custom scripts that deploy any ML model and use the output to create decision points in our journey orchestration tool.
Jumpstart customer journey optimization with advanced testing methods

Use the tools you know best and the models you’ve built

No need to start from scratch. Implement your own machine-learning models through application SDKs, and a wide range of connectors to external tools, including Hivemall, Spark, Python, R, and SQL. Produce custom insights, models, and more.
Use the tools you know best and the models you’ve built

What makes us different

Data science for all

Treasure Data democratizes data science for all. Marketers can quickly launch ML use cases. Analysts use SQL for executing ML models. Data scientists get custom scripting and bring-your-own-model benefits.

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20+ pre-built ML models

Pick from over 20 out-of-the-box ML models and customize them as needed. Choose from models such as Content Affinity, Predictive Scoring, Next Best Action, NBO (Offer), A/B Testing, MTA, and Clustering.

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Optimize journeys

Customer journey optimization is a process. Empower marketers with tools to compare campaign performance, implement random splitting, or apply multi-touch attribution. And if you need a data scientist – they can help too.

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Over 400 integrations to fuel marketing experimentation

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A/B testing in Treasure Data


A/B testing in Treasure Data



Marketing experimentation and analytics resources

CDP marketing optimization examples


CDP marketing optimization examples


Marketing optimization software that fits your needs

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