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Treasure Data Releases Flexible, Self-Service Analytics Solution for Digital Gaming

Last updated February 25, 2014

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The managed service provider helps gaming companies cost-effectively acquire, store and analyze data

Mountain View, Calif. — February 25, 2014 — Treasure Data, a cloud data service provider, today released its custom solution for the digital gaming industry giving product managers, developers, designers and executives the most flexible, cost-effective solution for analytics. Now product teams have a self-service solution for comprehensive gaming analytics. The solution uses Treasure Data’s big data managed service to acquire, store and analyze data from any game interaction.

“Treasure Data has empowered our game producers to implement and rapidly evolve our analytics as titles, KPIs, and gameplay mechanics change. As a leading digital game developer and publisher, it is critical that we take advantage of analytics solutions that significantly accelerate our product iteration cycles,” said Sohei Morita, Manager of Analytics, GREE.

Gaming companies now have an end-to-end solution for data and analytics with unprecedented flexibility and low TCO. Customers can be in production on the service in less than two weeks, with no infrastructure investment. The solution includes innovative data collection tools, to reliably stream data in near-real-time to Treasure Data. This data is stored securely in a proprietary columnar cloud database, Plazma, which is managed and monitored entirely by Treasure Data staff. For analysis, which often focuses on user behavior or key monetization events, the solution includes customizable dashboards, prebuilt for common gaming metrics; a SQL interface for ad hoc queries; standard BI and analytics tool connectors; and, easy, free data export anytime.

The entire solution is designed for big data and massive scalability, gracefully handling the ever-increasing volume and variety of data that gaming customers need to track. One Treasure Data gaming customer has thousands of servers, streaming billions of rows an hour. The solution is also designed for flexibility and simplicity, allowing game developers to quickly track new game events in their application code and change their KPIs in a matter of minutes. Now, product teams can adapt their analytics quickly as a game evolves, on their own and without burdening IT, increasing their competitive advantage with fast, specific and actionable insights.

Different from other analytics services, Treasure Data’s customizable services allow any team, from game designers to data analysts, to go deep into game data and gather insightful, actionable analysis. The flexibility enables gaming companies to adapt analytics quickly and ask new questions of their data. Breaking free of template analytics allows gaming customers to test, develop and explore the insights from the data — instead of being constrained to what competitors are using and measuring, and what is already a ubiquitous best practice.

Treasure Data for Product Teams and Executives

With the rise of mobile and social gaming, the addressable market for games has grown enormously – and become fiercely competitive. Gamers now transcend demographic boundaries, the increasingly diverse market changes rapidly and players make dynamic choices with little regard for publisher loyalty. This requires near constant diligence on understanding players and their behaviors. Treasure Data’s platform can cost-effectively store years of historical data to distill monetization patterns, player profiles, conversion metrics and more. Using Treasure Data across multiple gaming titles offers unlimited visibility and can uncover useful benchmarking, trend information and best practices. The entire solution quickly delivers value at a fraction of the investment required to develop an on-premises analytics infrastructure.

Treasure Data for Developers

Actionable insights on player behavior helps developers and designers to drive game performance. Treasure Data makes is simple to instrument any specific game interactions. Flexible data collection options include Treasure Agent technology, client-side analytics SDKs and bulk file import capabilities. The cloud database uses a schemaless architecture to store the data, allowing developers to add new game events without any data modeling required. For analysis, the solution includes a SQL interface to run queries and a dashboard tool to visualize results. Treasure Data gaming customers are able to track new game events and publish new KPIs in their dashboards in a matter of minutes. Treasure Data’s solution has the speed and flexibility required to keep up with the fast pace of the gaming industry, enabling teams to adapt their analytics as quickly as they iterate on their games.

“The number of people playing digital games has exploded in the past several years, which can be intimidating to address from an analytics infrastructure point of view. Acquiring, storing and analyzing the most important asset, data, can be a challenge. With Treasure Data, we remove the operational and technical friction associated with chasing down your data sources, streaming all the relevant data into a database, and preparing the data for analysis. Leveraging Treasure Data’s service allows gaming development teams to focus on the most important thing, players, and leave the rest of the data pipeline to us,” said Hiro Yoshikawa, CEO of Treasure Data.

About Treasure Data

Treasure Data was founded in 2011, with the mission of building the first end-to-end managed service in the cloud for data acquisition, storage and analysis. Since the service launched in 2012, thousands use its free Starter version and its 100+ corporate customers include Toyota, NTT Docomo, Viki and several Global Fortune 500 companies, as well as gaming companies such as GREE and SpryFox, Webinar

Treasure Data will hold a live webinar and demo of its gaming solution on March 4, 2014. Join us to learn what’s included in the new solution and find out how companies like GREE use Treasure Data.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]