Shiseido Interactive Beauty Creates More Loyal Customers

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Key use cases
  • Personalized customer journeys
  • Manage loyalty program data to promote cross-selling
  • Audience segmentation and activation
1 hour
to access full range of data (instead of 1 week)
1 ID
integrating all customer data sources
marketing campaign implementation
Executive summary

Shiseido Interactive Beauty uses solutions such as Treasure Data CDP to support the realization of its customer development strategy, aimed at deepening the Shiseido Group’s understanding of its customers and improving brand loyalty. In addition to advancing its existing loyal customer base, the company seeks out and develops potential loyal customers.

Through these activities, it has also achieved significant labor savings in marketing data extraction and analysis. We asked two key figures at Shiseido Interactive Beauty about the aims and results of this initiative, and about their outlook for the future.

Key points of this customer story:

  • Introduced OneID to develop a system to provide a beauty experience tailored to each customer and to expand the loyal customer base.
  • Uses Treasure Data CDP to visualize the progress of its loyal customer development strategy, thereby deepening its understanding of customers and increasing loyalty.
  • Sped up marketing campaign formulation and implementation by enabling marketers to extract data directly.
Key points of this customer story diagram
Status of and changes in customer development paths for each segment are shown visually on the dashboard. Marketers can now directly understand the status of each path and apply this to the next marketing campaign.

Shiseido Interactive Beauty is a strategic subsidiary established in July 2021 through a joint venture between Shiseido and Accenture. The company’s mission is “To make everyone’s life healthy and rich. To offer each and every individual beauty experiences of tomorrow by making full use of digital solutions and technology.” In other words, their mission is to accelerate the Shiseido Group’s digital transformation (DX) and reform existing business models. One of the measures they are promoting to achieve this is new digital marketing.

Shiseido was early to digitize, having started its comprehensive beauty site, Watashi Plus, in April 2012. However, its previous marketing efforts presented some challenges. Shiseido’s Michiaki Kato, Group Manager, Data CRM Promotion Group, Digital Strategy Department, DX Headquarters, recalls as follows.

“For example, if we wanted to observe customer behavior based on certain criteria, marketers used to have to ask data engineers to apply coding to SQLs to extract that data. But marketers could not necessarily get all the data they were looking for in one request; once they saw the extracted results, they sometimes wanted to add more criteria. This led to a lot of back and forth between marketers and data engineers, and it took a lot of time and effort to leverage the data that constituted the preparatory stage for the marketing campaign.”

Demand for products fluctuates depending on trends and the season. “When reaching out to customers, timing is important. If we don’t implement marketing activities at the right time, we’ll miss the opportunity,” says Shiseido’s Kazufumi Funada, Data CRM Promotion Group, Digital Strategy Department, DX Headquarters.

The fact that data was broken down by sales channel and brand was also an issue. Funada elaborates, “Even data for the same customer was handled separately depending on whether they bought something in store or online. It was difficult to bring together the disparate data, and it was difficult to understand the customer’s behavior in an integrated way.”

To solve this problem, Shiseido created “Beauty Key,” a membership service that uses OneID to integrate multiple membership services, including Watashi Plus. Kato describes their aim as follows.

“We did this to better understand our customers and provide a better beauty experience. Customers’ makeup preferences and the cosmetics they use will vary depending on their age and lifestyle. By having a deep understanding of what our customers are looking for now, we can deliver the best proposal at the time it is needed. By staying close to our customers, we aim to increase the value of our brand, increase loyalty, and foster repeat purchases.”

Solution: Visualizing customer development paths to support new customer experiences

Shiseido deployed Treasure Data CDP to further improve customer understanding and loyalty. The company uses the Audience Studio feature to access customer data and create refined customer segments. In addition, the Journey Orchestration feature makes it easy to develop marketing campaign scenarios and dashboards in the GUI.

They also implemented a customer development path that visualizes cross-selling progress.

“A customer learns about a product because, for example, it wins a Best Cosmetics Award, and they get it to try it out. From there, they get interested in the brand, and try other products in the same line, such as toners, lotions, serums, and so on. As their loyalty increases, they may buy products from the most high-end range. We don’t just know this process intuitively; we can visualize it with actual numbers,” explains Funada.

The company can understand which products a customer needs to be introduced to, and in which order, to produce the greatest gains in loyalty, and apply that to each campaign. This drives loyalty from base customers, to customers who use multiple products in the same range, to high-end loyalty customers.

Results: Speeding up marketing campaign implementation and visualizing results on a dashboard

Using Treasure Data CDP has already led to changes in the digital marketing domain.

First, there has been a dramatic reduction in the labor-intensive and time-consuming back and forth between marketers and data engineers. Marketers can now check on the status of segments to which they want to make an approach: for instance, they can check what segments are in the market and in what volumes, and whether it is possible to make an approach to a particular segment.

Funada says, “Customer data is integrated under OneID across all sales channels, making it easy to understand the status of customer development paths for each segment, and how they have changed. In addition to knowing the current status, it also helps us visualize potential loyal customers and understand bottlenecks that hinder behavioral change.”

The new system also has significant benefits in terms of improving productivity. “The Treasure Data CDP incorporates a variety of APIs and seamlessly links with a variety of data. This API also links with Shiseido’s master data. In the past, it took about a week to see the full range of data, because we collected disparate data separately and aggregated it in Excel, but now we can visualize it on the dashboard in just one hour,” continues Funada.

The series of initiatives is being carried out with data linked from each brand. Using Treasure Data CDP allows data to be linked seamlessly. “It has stimulated communication between marketers, and we are expecting a synergistic effect,” says Funada.

Aiming to expand the loyal customer base by developing the right proposals at the right time

Partner company Accenture and Treasure Data support were essential to the realization of this system. Funada says, “Accenture worked alongside us throughout, helping us with everything from integrating customer data with OneID to designing a system to make use of that data. Treasure Data has a deep understanding of our role and operations; whatever we asked for, they would develop a plan with us to make it happen. They actually made adjustments to the UI to make it easier to use. They were aware of our fear of trying new things, and made hands-on changes and provided training in data-driven CRM planning. The support from both companies has allowed us to branch out into new areas.”

In the future, the company will also use the data integrated under OneID to improve loyalty, based on their visualized customer development paths. They are already considering concrete campaigns.

Looking to the future, Kato says, “Not only can marketers collect data and implement campaigns themselves, but they can also share it with the organization. We can quickly run the PDCA cycle, from establishing the idea, to implementing the campaign, to assessing the results. We will continue to stay close to our customers and provide them with a better beauty experience that adapts to their changing needs and lifestyles.”

The use of customer data has already crossed beyond the digital marketing framework, generating new business and transforming business models.

In the future, the company will continue to enhance the value of its brand, provide new beauty experiences, and fully support the realization of beauty for each individual.

Explore Treasure Data CDP for CPG

In the past, it took about a week to see the full range of data, because we collected disparate data separately and aggregated it in Excel, but now we can visualize it on the dashboard in just one hour.”

Quote Image

Kazufumi Funada

Data CRM Promotion Group, Digital Strategy Department, DX Headquarters

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