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Partner Spotlight: OneTrust and Treasure Data CDP Team Up for Preference Management

Last updated September 28, 2021

Partner Spotlight: OneTrust and Treasure Data CDP Team Up for Preference Management

OneTrust is a leading privacy, security, and third-party risk management software provider. While equipping marketing leaders with granular first-party data about their audience, OneTrust PreferenceChoice provides a customer-centric consent- and preference-management platform that empowers users to manage their own data privacy experience. This allows organizations to sync consent and preference settings across back-end applications and create consistency across marketing activities to give users a streamlined, customized, and enjoyable experience.

Treasure Data: Can you tell us about a major challenge you’re helping your clients with today?

Josh Jones: Across the globe, regulations like the GDPR and CCPA have required changes to data privacy practices and requirements. Many businesses have experienced negative impacts in their marketing efforts, including email marketing, digital advertising, websites, and mobile applications. PreferenceChoice helps organizations to collect valid consent, maximize opt-in rates, enable custom preference centers and user experiences, empower consumers to customize their marketing experience, maintain a centralized database of all user data, and integrate across back-end systems to activate consumer data.

Treasure Data: How does the Treasure Data CDP fit alongside OneTrust’s offerings?

Josh Jones: Treasure Data pairs wonderfully with OneTrust’s offerings, as consumer data touches all functional groups of our prospective clients’ organizations. They both help to solve the broad challenge associated with capturing consumer data and activating it across the organization to make practices and processes more effective.

Treasure Data: And how does that work?

Josh Jones: OneTrust’s platform pairs with Customer Data Platforms brilliantly, as all customer data flowing into and out of the CDP must be vetted and legitimized from a data privacy perspective. The CDP serves as the customer data “vault,” and OneTrust serves as the “teller,” ensuring all inflowing/outflowing data has been appropriately legitimized for use.

Essentially, the OneTrust platform serves as the front-end collection mechanism, categorization model, and activation layer. It then pushes actionable consumer data into the CDP. Once there, it can be used for future processing activities—such as email marketing campaigns, analyzing user demand, and more.

Treasure Data: How will the deprecation of third-party cookies and changes to the use of Apple’s ID for Advertising (IDFA) change marketing?

Josh Jones: The simplicity of automated use of third-party cookies is going away—and there are going to have to be shifts. We’re working with our customers to get more information about their customers. But the long-term impact of the deprecation of third-party cookies is going to be that consumers are more empowered to customize their preferences, and that could make them more willing to share their data, which is first-party. And first-party data is the best, and most immutable way to understand and update customer profiles.

Treasure Data: Can you explain how OneTrust and Treasure Data CDP help to increase customer empowerment and customer trust?

Josh Jones: A lot of consumers are afraid of losing control of their information, and this fear sometimes prevents them from engaging with the content and brands that they like. For example, a sports fan might be OK with engaging with ESPN by email, but not via texts. And they might hesitate to click on an ESPN Facebook group, because they don’t know who else might get the information or how it would be used. But if their preferences were known and followed them from site to site without them having to constantly re-consent or re-decline the same things, most of them would be more willing to engage, and that engagement would go more smoothly. Our customers want to be able to engage consumers without unintentionally alienating them, and we can use customer data to facilitate that interaction.

Treasure Data: What’s a specific feature in OneTrust’s offerings that could help marketers in their day-to-day work?

Josh Jones: One good example is our ability to capture first-party data. Collecting expectations and interests directly from a user provides marketers with insights on specific products or services that a user may be interested in, as well as the most effective way to engage that person per their own requests. This builds trust by providing the user with a customized experience that respects their data privacy. It also informs marketers about how they can transform their marketing strategy, both at the user level and more broadly at the audience level. For example, if consumers frequently unsubscribe to certain communication mechanisms like text messages, perhaps an email-first campaign strategy would deliver stronger results. Additionally, capturing this first-party data allows marketers to build more robust customer profiles and truly understand who their consumers are and what they care about. In the era of customer experience (CX), this will transform how consumers engage with their favorite brands.

For more on CDPs, check out Treasure Data’s “Everything You Need to Know about CDPs.” To learn more about preference management, check out this OneTrust guide, “What is Preference Management?”  Or, check out OneTrust’s “The Complete Guide to First-Party Data.”

About Josh Jones

Josh Jones serves as a Senior Business Development Manager at OneTrust

Josh Jones serves as a Senior Business Development Manager at OneTrust, leading the company’s technology partnerships strategy for PreferenceChoice. In his role, Josh is responsible for driving product and partnership development, as well as go-to-market strategy for OneTrust’s Consent and Preference Management solutions.